Customers are clever and they easily understand Difference between quality and the fake promises. If you look at below given some very important points you will truly understand why Papa Mango sanitization / disinfection services is better than Urbanclap sanitization / disinfection services and why does it offer better services in certified disinfection and sanitization services arena.
Urbanclap sanitization / disinfection services have some demerits when it comes to disinfecting your space- residential and commercial areas. It uses spray machine that drenches everything and then they wipe it off which is troublesome and time consuming process for the customers and clients.
It does not give you the 100 per cent coverage- you cannot use it for wooden wardrobes/ almirahs, curtains and walls. Whereas when it comes to Papa Mango, its well trained and equipped sanitization team sanitizes the nook and corner of your place through Ultra Low Volume Fogger (ULV Fogger) – a specialized and mod technique for disinfection services.
This technique from Papa Mango successfully disinfect Bed, Chairs, Curtains, wooden wardrobes, walls and it also cleanses the overall environment of your home/ commercial space. It goes one step ahead and makes your place covid-19 free totally.
When it comes to Rates or Cost- Papa Mango Bags the affordability Crown when compared to UrbanClap (Now Known as UC Urban Company). UrbanClap renders its services for 1 BHK in INR 899/- whereas we at Papa Mango offer safe and better disinfection services in INR 799/- for the same area, for 2 BHK – UrbanClap charges INR 1099/- we offer the same service in INR 999/-, for 3 BHK – they charge you INR 1499/- we offer it in INR 1199/- and for 4 BHK UrbanClap charges you INR 1899/- we at Papa Mango offer 1399/- for the same disinfection services.
At Papa Mango, rates are inclusive of all taxes and other costs whereas UrbanClap charges you extra fees in the name of taxes.
Urbanclap is a time consuming process – spraying, making it wet and then cleaning up – which is not feasible if you are looking for disinfecting like home, shopping mall, office space, warehouse, workshops, school and colleges, hospital, gym and clinics etc.
Papa Mango takes just 35 to 40 minutes for disinfecting 4 BHK with a perfect coverage. So, compared to Urbanclap, Papa Mango disinfection services is an easy and not a time consuming process.
Urbanclap uses Diversey Virex 256 chemical sanitization / disinfection which is not a food grade chemical although it is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It causes irritation in the throat and is harmful to pets, infants and children. EPA is an agency that reviews and improves safety standards for all.
On the other hand, Papa Mango very cautiously uses the Diversey Oxivir food grade sanitization / disinfection that is simple, ready to use liquid popularly known for effective disinfection and cleaning performance. It is a mod and perfect technology to deliver fast and safely.
This sanitization / disinfection does not cause irritation in the throat or any burning sensation and moreover it is a human and pet friendly sanitization / disinfection. It has no harm to infants and children as well as adults. Precision with safety is what Papa Mango believes in and practices in its working style.
The Papa Mango Company has been active passionately since its inception and its services are available all over Delhi NCR Currently. Moreover, the company is expanding slowly and steadily successfully.
Call Our PAPA MANGO well equipped sanitization team for disinfecting your entire space. Our well trained Professionals with full body protective suit and best equipment will safely sanitize the nook and corner of your place.
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